Beginning June 1, 2009, in order to enter or re-enter the United States, American and Canadian citizens will face new rules. Americans will have to have ONE of the following: A U.S. Passport, a U.S. Passport Card, an Enhanced Driver’s License, a NEXUS Card, a Fast Card, a SENTRI Card, a Military ID Card with orders, or a Merchant Mariner’s Card with proof of official maritime business. Canadian and Bermudian visitors must have one of the following: A Passport, a NEXUS Card, a Sentri Card, a Fast Card, or an Enhanced Driver’s License. Unfortunately, most of these forms of identification are not what we have been led to believe they are, so one must read carefully to discover that the real object of this exercise is for you to have to get a passport. Obviously, Mexico will begin to require passports for entrance into the country because it would be foolish to allow foreigners in if they could not go home again.
The following is taken directly from the U.S. Department of State Customs and Border Protection:
U.S. Passport – This is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies a person’s identity and nationality. It is accepted for travel by air, land and sea. (and your having one is the entire object of this exercise)
U.S. Passport Card – This is a new, limited-use travel document that fits in your wallet and costs less than a U.S. Passport. It is only valid for travel by land and sea. (In effect, if you ever have to fly, this would be useless)
Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL) – Several states and Canadian provinces/territories are issuing this driver’s license or identification document that denotes identity and citizenship. It is specifically designed for cross-border travel into the U.S. by land or sea. (but those are only available in 4 states: New York, Washington, Michigan, and Vermont, and in 4 areas of Canada: Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, and Manatoba; and, again, this cannot be used to fly)
Trusted Traveler Program Cards –
NEXUS (only good between Canada & U.S., good for land, sea and air IF they have a NEXUS kiosk at the airport)
SENTRI(only good between Mexico & U.S., good for land or sea only, not for flying)
FAST(For commercial truck drivers between Mexico, U.S., & Canada)
GLOBAL ENTRY ( for International travelers entering the U.S. (so this isn’t even for U.S. citizens)
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