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 This Friday, Sat and Sun (July 24-26th) the Secundaria schools in both Chemuyil and Akumal will be conducting their annual free Spay and Neuter Clinic. Currently, a total of eight veterinarians will be coming coming in from Merida and several others from Playa del Carmen. All are volunteering their time and closing their practice to participate in the Clinic. Akumal Direct Reservations would like to thank our owners who so generously donated reservations of their properties to support a great cause! Sterilizing an animal increases its quality of life and health, improves behavior and eliminates unwanted births. The sterilization of animals also decreases the spread of disease. Dog Stats • The average number of litters a fertile dog can have a year: 2 • The average number of puppies: 8 • Thus, in 6 years, 1 dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs Cat Stats • The average number of litters a fertile cat can have a year: 3 • The average number of kittens: 5 • Thus, in 7 years, 1 cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats Statistics are courtesy of Humane Society International If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Jennifer Smith at the Turtle Bay Cafe & BakeryVeterinarios Internacionales Dedicados a Animales Sanos, (International Veterinarians Dedicated to Animal Health)Spay Yucatan
 In its heyday from about A.D. 300 to 900, the Maya civilization boasted hundreds of cities across a vast swath of Central America. Now archeological sites, these once-flourishing cities extended from Chichén Itzá in the northern Yucatán to Copán, about 400 miles to the south in modern-day Honduras. Each bore ceremonial centers where theocratic rulers practiced a complex religion based on a host of gods, a unique calendar, and ceremonies that featured a ball game and human sacrifice. The ancient Maya also mastered astronomy, mathematics, art and architecture, and a glyph system of writing on stone, ceramics, and bark paper. Using the interactive map, visit 15 of the better-known Maya sites. Courtesy of one of our favorite websites! Visit NOVA / PBS online and explore Anthropology, Disasters, Earth, Exploration, Flight, Health, History, Nature or Technology ....just to name a few.
 Switzerland? Belgium? Not even close! Inspired by the original chocolate first created by ancient Mayans in 500 BC, Häagen-Dazs® Mayan Chocolate blends the finest cocoa beans with cinnamon to create magical Mayan offering: rich, chocolate ice cream with a fudge swirl and a hint of cinnamon. Cacao (kah-KOW, a Mayan word) was offered as tribute to gods and leaders, as well as having value in day-to-day life as the region’s financial currency. For the Aztecs, cacao was a gift from their most revered God, Quetzalcoatl, forming a bridge between heaven and earth. Everyone needs a pint of Mayan Chocolate in their freezer!
 The Palancar coral reefs were discovered by marine explorer Jacques Cousteau off the island of Cozumel in 1961; he subsequently proclaimed Palancar to be one of the world's best places for scuba diving. For more fun facts and history of Quintana Roo visit the Yucatán Peninsula on The History Channel
 Sea Turtles have been returning to the beaches of Akumal and the Mexican Caribbean to nest for centuries. This is our legacy, to ensure their safe return to Akumal beaches for generations to come. Beginning in May and through September, female sea turtles will make their way out of the sea to the beaches where they will hopefully dig their nests and deposit eggs. A female sea turtle may come ashore many times before finally laying her eggs. The eggs mature in 58 days. Right around the beginning of July we will see baby turtles dig their way out of their nests and begin the journey back to the sea. Minnesota Zoo with the help of Just Imagine Vacations, Inc have organized a week-long Sea Turtle Camp in Akumal. The camp is for students in Grades 10 - 12. Students will work nights with the CEA, Centro Ecologico, Akumal's Turtle Protection Program staff and volunteers. During the nesting season, CEA turtle biologists, interns and volunteers walk the beaches of Akumal in search of turtle nests, nesting female turtles and hatchlings. Volunteers have been helping the CEA Turtle Team by reporting sightings of turtles, turtle tracks, nests, or hatchlings. See the CEA'S Visitor Programs for more information.
 Once again, the exciting community golf program of the Mayakoba Golf Classic is here...Golf PARa Todos! We invite you to bring your family and friends to share an afternoon of golf and fun at the El Camaleón Golf Course Sunday, July 19th from 2 PM to 4 PM. There will be golf lessons, raffles, games, complimentary food provided by John Gray Restaurant Group and much more. Golf PARa Todos aims to create a fun-filled, diverse and educational program that teaches about the game of golf and its ideals. Visit Golf PARa Todos for more information. SEE YOU THERE! Also visit Mayakoba Golf Classic
 Greetings Friends, We are fortunate to have very talented people in the Akumal community. Rey Ortega is back in Akumal for the summer bringing with him a vast collection of flutes, including a number that he has reconstructed and learned to play from the ancient Maya. Music of the soul. When I heard the sounds he called out in these single, double and triple piped wind instruments, the inspiration was that we had to play together! He has agreed to come and "play yoga"! I invite you join us on Wednesdays at 8:30a.m. for the vinyasa flow class, beginning next Wednesday, July 15th. WHO: Rey Ortega WHAT: Vinyasa Yoga WHERE: Yoga in Akumal Above Las Casitas at the white arch WHEN: Wednesdays at 8:30a.m. Beginning July 15th COST: $200 pesos or monthly pass Put this in your calendar and plan to join us! If you can forward this to anyone who might be interested, that would be fantastic! Also, a July calendar is attached. Namaste, Marti INFORMACIÓN Tel. (984) 745 3488
 The Peanut Pet Shelter, located in Playa del Carmen is dedicated to rescuing and finding permanent homes for injured and abandoned dogs and cats. All rescued animals receive quality veterinary care and special attention to ensure that they are healthy, happy and ready to be adopted into a loving home! Visit the Peanut Pet Shelter online at